罗伯特D. ku米.Div, D.最小值.

Adjunct Associate Professor of 最小值istry

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  • BS in Christian 最小值istries, Pacific Christian College
  • M.Div. in Homiletics, Lincoln Christian Seminary
  • D.最小值. School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary


  • Ordained 最小值ister, 1966
  • Who’s Who in America
  • Boy Scouts of America Leadership Trainer
  • Extended DISC International
  • 1989 Pacific Christian College 校友 Award


  • Director of International Leadership Development, New Mission Systems International, 1999 – Present
  • Adjunct Professor, Pacific Christian College of 最小值istry & Biblical Studies, 1994 - Present
  • Senior 最小值ister, First Christian Church of Anaheim, CA, 1992 – 1999
  • Senior 最小值ister, Glendale Christian Church, Glendale, AZ, 1975 – 1992
  • Founding 最小值ister, Kingman Christian Church, Kingman, AZ, 1972 – 1975
  • Senior 最小值ister, First Christian Church, Greenville, IL, 1970 – 1972
  • 最小值ister, Donovan Church of Christ, Donovan, IL, 1966 – 1970



  • Dynamics of Servant Leadership
  • Building Effective Teams


  • Strategic Leadership
  • Conflict Transformation in 最小值istry


  • Preparation of training materials for church leaders in developing countries.


  • Uncommon  Leadership: Servant Leadership in a Power-Based World,  2nd Ed., 2009
  • Uncommon Relationships: Bringing Healing & Joy to Our Christian Experience, 2010
  • Uncommon Beginnings: A Leadership Strategy for Starting in a New 最小值istry, 2011
  • Teaching Leadership: 13 Ready-To-Use Lessons with Student Worksheets, pending 2013
  • Several articles published in The Christian Standard 杂志.


  • 20 years experience in Christian camping as leader of  high school week.
  • Workshops taught at Arizona Christian Convention, National Pastor’s Conference, National Missionary Convention and MissionFest Seattle.
  • College commencement speaker in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Myanmar (3) and India.
  • Speaker, Thailand Convention of Christian 教堂 and 教堂 of Christ.
  • Taught courses in leadership development in thirty different countries.


  • Grandchildren
  • Woodworking
  • Swimming, softball and pickleball

To serve God in such a way that through my example, teaching and encouragement people grow in their confidence and ability to fulfill the work for which He has called them.